Friday, August 14, 2009

Rule for Radicals and DISC

Today America is being given a good solid dose of Chicago Thug politics on a national level. As Bill Clinton forewarned us all during the primaries, "Obama is nothing but a Chicago Thug politician." Chicago has long been known to be run by the single most corrupt political machine in history, with the worst coming out of South Chicago and Cook County. The thuggery was taught by Saul Alinsky right there in South Chicago, one of the best students, and a teacher of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals was Barrack Obama.

We discussed last night what those Rules for Radicals were and are about. How they are used is when those like Obama have an opponent they aren't so interested in beating them in a battle of ideas, but to completely destroy their opposition. The first two elections that Obama won, he won empty seats after destroying his opponent to the point of having them have to withdraw from the race before the election. They choose their opponent, isolate them, humiliate them, ridicule, intimidate. If you want to understand what it looks like all you have to do is look at Sarah Palin. She is the single main focus of the Obama regime, they are going full court press trying to destroy her financially, politically, and personally. They are attacking her because they most fear her. Glenn Beck is now also a main target because he has the habit of getting information out as to what is going on under the surface. They have send Van Jones, Obama's new "Green Czar" to apply pressure to companies advertising on Beck's show that they would be targets themselves of the Obama administration if they didn't quit advertising on Beck. By the way, Van Jones is an ex-con and a self professed Communist.

Now we see something I have never seen before. We are now seeing the Obama regime Alinskying American citizens who are going to Tea Parties, and to Town Halls. They are trying to isolate, marginalize, humiliate, and intimidate them. The question will be how will this play out. Will we see these neophyte political protesters cave and give up against professional Community Agitators? Who knows? Or will we see a back lash that will throw this group of thugs out of political power for years to come?

My thought is an equation of Rules for Radicals vs the DISC personality profiles. Let me explain. Most people who are vocal in any setting our either D or I personalities, D's are extroverted and task oriented, I's are extroverted and people oriented, both are comfortable speaking out in a public forum. However, 35% of Americans are S and 11% are C, both more introverted, S's are introverted and people oriented, C's are introverted and task oriented. S's are the peace makers in our society, they are the nurturers, they are calm and abhor conflict. They are the very definition of moderates. They do have a very strong side, if they feel someone lies to them, breaks their trust, attacks them, their family, or their friends, or anyone that they sympathize with the S will turn on you like a mother bear protecting her cub. Once you lose their trust they are done with you forever.

Now consider that John Adam's advised us that in any war, or political debate there would 1/3 of Americans for, 1/3 against, and 1/3 in the middle that will determine the balance of power. I wonder, now that the Obama regime is turned to attacking people that this group can relate to, how many of those protesters do we hear, "I have never been much into politics before, but?" These are people that those S's will identify with, grandmothers, grandfathers, stay at home moms, just normal people. It might be interesting to see if the 1/3 in the middle rise up as that mama bear to protect their own. If they do, this might be the end of the liberal leadership of the democrat party for a generation.

We can hope and pray it to be true.

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